Raise 3D N series (N1, N2, and N2+)

The Raise 3D N series 3d printer is an all new printer loosely developed using the Ultimaker style XY motion mechanics. The team behind the Raise 3D company was also part of a previous brand Fusiontech which also used the UM style XY motion mechanics.  The entire N series has a 7 inch touch LCD control panel running on a pcDuino based quad core processor coupled to an Atmega 2560 based motion control board with TMC2100 silent stepper drivers for X and Y motion. Depending on the model you have and batch from Kickstarter there are some modifications that could / should be made to the unit. Some of these mods are fixes and safety related and some are just for improvements and are not required. Batches produced as of April 2016 are already incorporating the improvements.


  • Raise 3D N series Factory Documentation & Files
  • Raise 3D N series Calibration and Maintenance
    • Clearing a clog
  • N1 Basic Mods
    • Bed screw thumbwheel mod
    • Glass Bed attachment using rubber pads
    • Cooling Mods
  • N1 Advanced Mods
    • Z-axis anti-wobble
  • N2/N2+ Basic Mods
  • N2/N2+ Advanced Mods
    • Alternate Fan control for extruder and print cooling
    • Electronics outside fresh air vent modification
    • Electronics bay blower noise reduction
    • Alternate TMC2100 stepper drivers for Z and extruders
  • N2/N2+ Important Safety modifications
    • Original Early bird HBP modifications
    • Alternate firmware with heater decoupled safety
  • Computer Software
    • Raise 3D Ideamaker
    • Simplify 3D
    • General information for other slicers