B9 Creator

Custom B9 Creator Profile for the D7 bed (will show the bed and correct size within the program). This will help you add parts and place them correctly on the plate. The B9 Creator program can be downloaded from: https://www.b9c.com/…/b9cre…/download-b9creator-software 

How to install on Windows
  1. Make sure B9 Creator software is installed and updated first.
  2. Locate B9 Creator File:
  3. C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\B9Creations, LLC\B9Creator
  4. next drag and drop both the B9PrinterConfig and the BuildTableProp into file and click
    ‘Replace the files in the destination’ once prompted
How to install on a Mac
  1. Close if running, then Find B9Creator.app in your Applications folder
  2. Right click on Icon
  3. Select  “Show Package Contents
  4. Double-click on the Resources folder
  5. Overwrite the two files in Resources folder.
