Chitu Printer Controller by CBD
ChiTu is the first 3D printer motherboard from CBD Tech ltd. The board is equipped with a 32-bit high-speed ARM chipset (STM32F103ZET6) which results in high computing power which makes print outcome more detailed even if the speed is increased. CBD ChiTu also have functions that carries out repeated optimization, employing SD file configuration mode which equals to convenient and quick renewal.
External Dimension:150*100mm
Microprocessor : STM32
Input Voltage : 12V~24V 10~15A
Power Interface: Switching power supply or adapter
Motor Driver: Allegro A4988 (1/16 microstepping)
ChiTu V3.6 can be externally connected motor drive
Motor Driven Interface: Single head motherboard has four motor interface
Double head motherboard has five motor interface
Temperature Sensor Interface: 3 paths of 100K NTC (thermistor)
2 paths of MAX6675(thermocouple)
Color Touch Screen: 2.8 or 3.5 inches of TFT
Upgraded Firmware supporting SD card (supports 8G<= FAT 16 and FAT32)
Square USB that is convenient in pull and plug, Communication Baud Rate is 115200
File Format Supported: G-code
Machine Structure Supported: XYZ type, Ultimaker type, Hbot type, Delta, Kossel type.
Recommendation of Software: Cura/Repetier-host/Makerware/Simplify3d
Expandable modules: WIFI module, power module( continue to print after power off), large
motor drive, SD card module, USB drive module
Tips and Mods