Resin Resources

Ultimate3dprinting store now has a wide selection of SLA Resins available to order from their website.

3DPrinter Universe (based in California) – Sells Monocure 3D and Wanhao brand resins

Monocure 3D has a selection of standard and fast curing resins.

Photocentric3d UK has a line of Daylight, UV / DLP and Laser curing resins with a wide selection of physical properties (Firm, Hard, Flex, Tough).

Fun To Do has a line of Industrial Blend, Castable, Standard Blend, Snow White and Deep Black resins. They offer a 3 bottle sample pack with four colors of pigment that can be used to customize your own color.

Bluecast Resin – High performance castable resin. Facebook page:

Wanhao 3d Printer Resin – Call or email wanhao directly to order from them or use a listed distributor.

3dresyn –  Innovative supplier of synthetic and bio-based specialty 3D resins

DruckWege – The DruckWege Resin is a special resin with industrial specs, designed for 3D printers  with DLP / UV light sources.

3d-Okay Resins – New 3d resins for LED / LCD / UV printers. Comes in Grey, white and black.