Tag Archives : WANHAO

Resin Resources (places to order)

Resin Resources Ultimate3dprinting store now has a wide selection of SLA Resins available to order from their website. BLUECAST HIGH PERFORMANCE CASTABLE RESIN FOR 3D PRINTERS https://ultimate3dprinti...

Wanhao Duplicator I3 Mini

Coming Soon (July 20th, 2017).. https://ultimate3dprintingstore.com/pages/wanhao-i3-mini-compact-3d-desktop-printer  

Wanhao Duplicator i3

The Duplicator i3 is an inexpensive 3d printer from Wanhao based on the Prusa i3 design. At this point there are two models often referred to as the V1 and the V2. There have been many changes since t...

3D Printer Wiki

What’s New See the donations page for information of helping support this cause (web hosting, products to review, etc). We have added a Review section where we will be posting reviews of boards,...