Wanhao has updated the D7 to v1.5. The following shows the changes made: Build plate is now fine machined and does not have powder coating on the bottom surface. The Z stage is now a double rail desig...
Tag Archives : D7
D7 Sample Print Gallery
Visual Troubleshooting Guide
This guide will help troubleshoot certain processes both mechanical and software related based on images. The intent is having an easy way of looking through photos and picking out problems you may be...
Easy NanoDLP Install Option
Easy Install Method You will need a RaspberryPi3 to run Nanodlp on and a 8gb or greater SD card. The following kit contains a Pi3, proper power supply and enclosure or the pi3 board only. You can pick...
Changes to the V1.4 (Beta version)
As we know, Wanhao is really fast at implementing changes to their products based on user feedback. The following images will show what has changed in the v1.4 printer that started shipping May 22th, ...
Bed Alignment Fix for v1
Description On the v1 D7 printers the bed assembly doesn’t line up with the LCD correctly using the stop on the z bracket so this part can be added to keep the plate from being installed too fa...
Adding a LCD to Nanodlp
Description If you are going to be using a RaspberryPi with Nanodlp installed then this mod may be handy. You can add a 16×2 LCD (I2C protocol) to the pi and then configure Nanodlp to use the LCD...
Printable Mods (replacement parts, new parts, etc)
Description This is a collection of printable user mods that can be made to the D7 printer. Wanhao is pretty good about implementing enhancements over time so check your printer to see if it could ben...
Fixing Power Button on v1.3
Description The v1.3 D7 printers (the ones with the vents in the back) had the power switch changed and are really long, so long they backside of the switch assembly hits the UV cooling fan. This butt...
Adding a See-thru Enclosure / Cover
Cover Options The original D7 showed a see through cover but ended up shipping with a steel cover. Although my prints are usually small and take a long time before they get above the vat where they ar...